Thursday, December 27, 2012

Offices in London For New PokerStars

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Have you ever wondered if the local staff no longer work in the poker world? PokerStars has recently purchased an additional floor existing office building and commissioned the London creative team to come up with the state of the country. 

Amanda Jones Godwin, Vice President, Design Area commented: "The customer asked us to everything that was already on the ground, do as the establishment of a modern and sophisticated space, better PokerStars brand Sat" Sustainable projects have been implemented ", and there are offices, we have painted the side of the rear glass black, to create something beautiful and recycling units. Through this process, the surface may have been passing on savings to the customer." To be part soundproofed studios and editing suites also meant a more long-term savings, PokerStars, which elsewhere the need to rent equipment and facilities. Offices in London is a very modern design and exude a professional feel a little contrary to the general notion of poker games.
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